A curated community for executive-level climate leaders

Magic happens when smart, passionate,
mission-aligned people convene

Unfortunately, for executive-level leaders, networking is broken.

Conferences are poorly structuredFew -> many is a poor use of everyone's time. The biggest value is often found in hallway conversations and side events.

Happy hours miss the pointGiving your elevator pitch to 50 new strangers is unproductive. Deep, meaningful connection is rare, as is true value creation.

Cross-sector collaboration at the executive level is the
highest-leverage way to advance the climate movement.
The Climate Guild is your super-charged networking resource: a highly curated community of executive-level leaders engaging in structured conversation to push personal, business, and ecosystem-level goals forward.

Deep Relationship Building

Valuable Business Insights

Collaboration Opportunities

Platform for Thought Leadership

You have an outsized ability to create impact.Don't go it alone.

Welcome to The Climate Guild

The Climate Guild gathers leaders within distinct Communities of Practice, each centered around an ecosystem-level climate theme.

Talent Transition


Community Building

Startup Acceleration

Future Communities of Practice include Gov/Policy, Philanthropic Giving, Corporate Sustainability, Media, Founders, and more.

Global leaders meet virtually every quarter for two-hour roundtable discussions with their Community of Practice. Every roundtable is structured to provide:

A Quick WinPersonal & Business InsightsEcosystem-level thought leadership.

Get value from the moment you walk in the door.Dive deep into challenges and opportunities that are top of mind for you, in a safe space with a sounding board of peers.Take a step back from your day-to-day to collaboratively and holistically build the climate movement.

Once a year, The Climate Guild organizes an in-person retreat that brings together all communities of practice across the Guild.

Climate change is the defining challenge of our lifetimes. Together, we can move further and faster to sustainably reshape our planet for the future.

The Climate Guild is 90% invite-only. If you think you'd be a great fit for the community, contact us.